USB Port Not Working : Solutions
USB Port Not Working : Solutions If you have a problem with the USB port(s) of your computer, here are some guidelines that may help you: Hardware issues Problem related to the connected device: Check that the connected hardware runs on another computer. Test other equipment on the same USB port Problem related to USB ports, motherboard, cables: One or more USB ports may stop workin due to a failure of the motherboard (after a power surge...). There may be a wiring problem between the port(s) and the motherboard (faulty or disconnected cable) Try the other USB ports one by one to check if they are properly connected to the motherboard or enabled in the BIOS. If either the front or rear connectors are working, it is probably due to a fault in the connection between the USB ports and motherboard (check the extension cables). Driver and software issues Check that there is no yellow exclamation m...